This is what hip hop from the #SGV should sound like. Recorded at Flourish and Prosper in El Monte. Meet Hip Hop Pops Emmanuel “Apakalips” Contreras.

1. Tell me about your daughter? What her name and where did it come from?

My daughters name is Isabella Page Contreras aka IZZY. Isabella means “devoted to god. Her middle name, Page, came from me like a page in an art book, so that she could write or draw her own life up. My wife got Izzy from Grey’s Anatomy (lol).

She is a fun loving, caring, kind, smart as hell little lady. She is respectful and full of life. She always wants to know answers to life and learn new things. She loves art, music, judo, Legos and the list goes on and on.

2. What’s your favorite part about being a dad?

The part of knowing I created this beautiful little soul. The part that I know I have to do whatever it takes for her to be good in life. The small hugs, kisses and deep conversations we have about life. I love every single thing that has to do with me being called papi!

3. How is hip hop part of your relationship w/ your daughter?

I teach her about all kinds of music. She catches on fast and memorizes songs. She loves hearing my music. I showed her how to use the MPC, taught her the style of beat boxing and we battle rap all time. It helps her with rhyming words at school. She will know hip hop and this culture of ours for sure. But music connects my family; it always did for me as a kid and will continue going for the generations to come.

4. Do you have any music that reflects on fatherhood? Which song?

Yes, off my debut album “Dearly Deported” I have a song called “Dear Us” produced by me… it’s basically a letter to my daughter my wife and to myself talking on life. It’s one of my favorites and she already loves it cuz she understands the lyrics I’m saying.

5. What excites you most about the new album you’re dropping?

I think it’s the simple fact of FINALLY PUTTING IT OUT. I feel like I kept it in a glass case as a secret but now is time to let the world share it live it and appreciate it. It’s my life’s work. I consider like I tell people this is my “Illmattic”

6. How do you think your daughter will look back on your music?

She will love it and cherish as much as I do. One thing I have taught her is things you create that are considered “classic” just means it will never go away. I hope one day she can show me the songs she wrote and sing me to sleep.

7. Who’s your favorite TV Dad? Why?

I’d have to say Homer Simpson. He makes dumb choices but always corrects them. He knows how to have fun, take chances but always goes right. He lives like tomorrow isn’t promised but the main thing is his family always comes first. Plus the dude is funny as hell, like me.

8. Big Daddy Kane or Ol’ Dirty Bastard?

I mean no disrespect to ODB… but are you kidding me.. on my top 3 MCs who I consider the biggest influences to my style of writing. 1Rakim 2. Bid Daddy Kane 3. Nas. These are my all time..but yeah ODB was a secret genius with his music. 

Check out our Hip Hop pops interviews with Red Cloud, Propaganda, Judah1 and Elias.