Triune is possessed.

The Divine Right of Emcees.

If you’ve heard him rhyme, you’ve either bobbed your head, clutched your jewels or ran for you life.

I first encountered the gawd emcee at the hip hop proving grounds that was the Foundation Funkollective open mic in Pomona almost 20 years ago.

When people ask for a list of the best to ever do it, that list better include Triune–or it’s blasphemy.

Hear for yourself.

I was lucky enough to catch up with this hip hop pops earlier this month and learn more about how fatherhood has made him fresher.

1. Tell me about your kids. How old are they and where did their names come from?

My kids are 9 & 7 years old. Both girls. My oldest daughters name is Alanee. Her name came from a name book. It means “Heavenly Cloud.” My youngest daughters name is Adjoa, and her name means “Born on Monday.”

2. What’s one family tradition you’re upholding and what is something new you are doing?

One family tradition that we uphold is spending New Years Eve together. Bringing in the new year together is important to us.

Something new I do with my kids that I didn’t have as a kid is something we call “Talk Time” where we share our experiences unfiltered with each other.

3. What do your kids think of your rapping?  Do they participate?

My kids are ultra supportive. They love the music I create and often show it off to their friends at school. My oldest got Executive Producer credit on my last album because she helped me choose the beats for it. They don’t participate quite yet, but I know they’re interested in doing so.

4. How did your rhyming change when you had kids?

It didn’t change much. My music has always been about my experiences so when they were born, they were mentioned because of course they’re a huge part of my daily experience.

5. Is there any music that you’ve made that reflects on fatherhood?

Yes, I did a few records but one in particular was called “Born To Succeed” where I spoke directly to them in the song.

6. How has hip hop prepared you to be a better dad?

Hip Hop is about expressing emotion and being that I have all girls, it allowed me to be more sensitive towards their emotions and changes.

7. Who’s your favorite TV dad? Why?

While controversial, it’d have to be Cliff Huxtable. He was in tune with his family on a special level and he chose to educate through laughter rather than yelling or talking down to his children.

8. Big Daddy Kane or Father MC?


Plug into Triune‘s newest release, The Love Album, here.

Check out my other Hip Hop Pops interviews with Apakalips, Propaganda, Judah 1, Red Cloud , Elias, Bess Kepp and Shames Worthy.